Fruit stuffed cup cake

Fruit cup cake


Dry Ingredients:
  • All purpose flour                     - 1 cup
  • Powdered sugar                      - 3/4rth cup
  • Baking soda                             - 1 tsp
  • Baking powder                        - 1 tsp
Wet ingredients:
  • Condensed milk                        - 3/4rth cup
  • Butter                                         - 3/4rth cup
  • Vanilla essense                          - 1 tsp
  • Milk                                             - to adjust the consistency
Filling ingredients:
  • Finely chopped straw berries     - 1/4rth cup
  • Finely chopped blue berries       - 1/4rth cup
  • Finely chopped apples                - 1/4rth cup
  • Finely chopped grapes                - 1/4rth cup
  • Sugar syrup                                  - 1/4rth cup


Step 1:
Sieve all the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Step 2:
Add all the wet ingredients and whisk well by adding little by little milk into a medium batter consistency( not too thick not too thin).

Step 3:
Mix all the chopped fruits in the sugar syrup.

Step 4:
Now, add a scoop of whisked batter in the cup cake mould baking tray, then add a layer of fruits mixture and again a scoop of batter.

Step 5:
Preheat the oven at 180 degree Fahrenheit and bake the cupcakes at 300 deg Fahrenheit or about an hr or until the skewer comes out clean.

Top it up with the fruits and whipped cream & serve cold.

Hope you all liked my version of cupcakes stuffed with fruits.

Thank you



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