Biscuit Pizza in 2 mins

Biscuit pizza

Ingredients:(serves 1)

  • Cracker biscuits                                  - 4
  • Pizza sauce                                          - 4 tsp
  • Onions, tomatoes, cottage cheese  - 2 Tsps each
  • Mozzarella cheese                              - required to cover the base and veggies


Step 1:
Take a salted cracker biscuit of any flavor.

Step 2:
Apply pizza sauce on the biscuit.

Step 3:
Add very finely chopped onions, tomatoes, paneer.

Step 4:
Top it with grated mozzarella cheese and microwave it for 2 mins or until the cheese melts.

Serve hot.

Hope you all liked my recipe of biscuit pizza.

Thank you



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